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Male Plastic Surgery

When it comes to plastic surgery, men often have unique aesthetic preferences and concerns. Fortunately, Dr. Amaka—a board-certified plastic surgeon in Nashville—possesses a keen understanding of the cosmetic interests of male patients. She offers a number of procedures specifically tailored to help men achieve a more toned, masculine physique.

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Amaka Aesthetics - Nashville Plastic Surgery Practice

Gynecomastia Treatment

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by excess breast tissue growth in men. Male breast development can be caused by surplus glandular tissue (true gynecomastia), fatty tissue (pseudogynecomastia), hormonal differences/changes, or a mix of all three. Although the condition is typically medically benign, many men with gynecomastia report feelings of insecurity, especially when going shirtless or wearing certain clothes. Dr. Amaka can help restore a flatter, more masculine chest contour through gynecomastia surgery. Depending on the composition of the overdeveloped breast tissue, direct excision, liposuction, or a combination of the two techniques can be utilized.

A man smiling at the camera

Male Liposuction

Liposuction is a versatile procedure that can remove excess fat from virtually any region of the body. Common procedure areas include the abdomen, flanks, back, neck, and chest. Dr. Amaka understands the unique aesthetic concerns of male patients, and she has extensive experience sculpting masculine physiques with desirable definition. 

Male Abdominal Etching

Abdominal etching is a technique used to help enhance the definition of the abdomen by highlighting the abdominal muscles. Using liposuction, Dr. Amaka strategically removes excess fat, enhancing the contours of the area, and making it possible to showcase more of the athletic “six pack.” Male abdominal etching can be performed as a standalone procedure, but it is also often added to other body contouring procedures such as gynecomastia surgery.

“Dr. Amaka and staff were very caring and professional answered thoroughly all questions and I felt relaxed through the whole procedure. From the initial phone consultation to the pre op, to the actual procedure they continuously showed competency and had a detailed plan of action for my speedy recovery.”
- Jeff L.
Amaka Aesthetics - Nashville Plastic Surgery Practice

Male Body Contouring

Male body contouring focuses on shaping and defining a more toned, masculine physique. Excess skin and stubborn fat can often obscure a man’s build or create the appearance of undesirable “curves.” Body contouring for men aims to eliminate loose, hanging skin and unwanted fat to create a more athletic-looking appearance. Common treatment areas include the abdomen, sides, back, chest, and jawline.

Close-up of a man's upper torso